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formula2mz calculates the m/z values from a list of molecular formulas and adduct definitions.

Custom adduct definitions can be passed to the adduct parameter in form of a data.frame. This data.frame is expected to have columns "mass_add" and "mass_multi" defining the additive and multiplicative part of the calculation. See adducts() for examples.


formula2mz(formula, adduct = "[M+H]+", standardize = TRUE)



character with one or more valid molecular formulas for which their adduct m/z shall be calculated.


either a character specifying the name(s) of the adduct(s) for which the m/z should be calculated or a data.frame with the adduct definition. See adductNames() for supported adduct names and the description for more information on the expected format if a data.frame is provided.


logical whether to standardize the molecular formulas to the Hill notation system before calculating their mass.


Numeric matrix with same number of rows than elements in formula

and number of columns being equal to the length of adduct (adduct names are used as column names). Each column thus represents the m/z of formula

for each defined adduct.


Roger Gine


## Calculate m/z values of adducts of a list of formulas
formulas <- c("C6H12O6", "C9H11NO3", "C16H13ClN2O")
ads <- c("[M+H]+", "[M+Na]+", "[2M+H]+", "[M]+")
formula2mz(formulas, ads)
#>               [M+H]+  [M+Na]+  [2M+H]+     [M]+
#> C6H12O6     181.0707 203.0526 361.1341 180.0634
#> C9H11NO3    182.0812 204.0631 363.1551 181.0739
#> C16H13N2OCl 285.0789 307.0609 569.1506 284.0716
formula2mz(formulas, adductNames()) #All available adducts
#>             [M+3H]3+ [M+2H+Na]3+ [M+H+Na2]3+ [M+Na3]3+  [M+2H]2+ [M+H+NH4]2+
#> C6H12O6     61.02841    68.35572    75.68303  83.01035  91.03897    99.55225
#> C9H11NO3    61.36524    68.69256    76.01987  83.34718  91.54422   100.05750
#> C16H13N2OCl 95.69782   103.02514   110.35245 117.67977 143.04310   151.55637
#>             [M+H+K]2+ [M+H+Na]2+ [M+C2H3N+2H]2+ [M+2Na]2+ [M+C4H6N2+2H]2+
#> C6H12O6      110.0169   102.0299       111.5522  113.0209        132.0655
#> C9H11NO3     110.5222   102.5352       112.0575  113.5262        132.5708
#> C16H13N2OCl  162.0210   154.0341       163.5564  165.0250        184.0696
#>             [M+C6H9N3+2H]2+   [M+H]+  [M+Li]+ [M+2Li-H]+ [M+NH4]+ [M+H2O+H]+
#> C6H12O6            152.5788 181.0707 187.0788   193.0870 198.0972   199.0812
#> C9H11NO3           153.0840 182.0812 188.0893   194.0975 199.1077   200.0917
#> C16H13N2OCl        204.5829 285.0789 291.0871   297.0953 302.1055   303.0895
#>              [M+Na]+ [M+CH4O+H]+   [M+K]+ [M+C2H3N+H]+ [M+2Na-H]+ [M+C3H8O+H]+
#> C6H12O6     203.0526    213.0969 219.0265     222.0972   225.0346     241.1282
#> C9H11NO3    204.0631    214.1074 220.0371     223.1077   226.0451     242.1387
#> C16H13N2OCl 307.0609    317.1051 323.0348     326.1055   329.0428     345.1364
#>             [M+C2H3N+Na]+ [M+2K-H]+ [M+C2H6OS+H]+ [M+C4H6N2+H]+  [2M+H]+
#> C6H12O6          244.0792  256.9824      259.0846      263.1238 361.1341
#> C9H11NO3         245.0897  257.9929      260.0951      264.1343 363.1551
#> C16H13N2OCl      348.0874  360.9907      363.0929      367.1320 569.1506
#>             [2M+NH4]+ [2M+Na]+  [2M+K]+ [2M+C2H3N+H]+ [2M+C2H3N+Na]+  [3M+H]+
#> C6H12O6      378.1606 383.1160 399.0899      402.1606       424.1425 541.1974
#> C9H11NO3     380.1816 385.1370 401.1109      404.1816       426.1636 544.2290
#> C16H13N2OCl  586.1771 591.1325 607.1064      610.1771       632.1591 853.2222
#>             [M+H-NH3]+ [M+H-H2O]+ [M+H-Hexose-H2O]+ [M+H-H4O2]+ [M+H-CH2O2]+
#> C6H12O6       164.0441   163.0601          19.01783    145.0495     135.0652
#> C9H11NO3      165.0546   164.0706          20.02834    146.0600     136.0757
#> C16H13N2OCl   268.0524   267.0684         123.02609    249.0578     239.0734
#>                 [M]+
#> C6H12O6     180.0634
#> C9H11NO3    181.0739
#> C16H13N2OCl 284.0716

## Use custom-defined adducts as input
custom_ads <- data.frame(mass_add = c(1, 2, 3), mass_multi = c(1, 2, 0.5))
formula2mz(formulas, custom_ads)
#>                    1        2         3
#> C6H12O6     181.0634 362.1268  93.03169
#> C9H11NO3    182.0739 364.1478  93.53695
#> C16H13N2OCl 285.0716 570.1433 145.03582

## Use standardize = FALSE to keep formula unaltered
#>           [M+H]+
#> C6H12O6 181.0707
formula2mz("H12C6O6", standardize = FALSE)
#>           [M+H]+
#> H12C6O6 181.0707