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The readMsp() function imports the data from a file in MGF format reading all specified fields and returning the data as a DataFrame().

Format constraints for MSP files:

  • Comment lines are expected to start with a #.

  • Multiple spectra within the same MSP file are separated by an empty line.

  • The first n lines of a spectrum entry represent metadata.

  • Metadata is provided as "name: value" pairs (i.e. name and value separated by a ":").

  • One line per mass peak, with values separated by a whitespace or tabulator.

  • Each line is expected to contain at least the m/z and intensity values (in that order) of a peak. Additional values are currently ignored.


  msLevel = 2L,
  mapping = spectraVariableMapping(MsBackendMsp()),
  BPPARAM = SerialParam(),



character(1) with the path to an MSP file.


numeric(1) with the MS level. Default is 2. This value will be reported as the spectra's MS level unless the source MSP file defines the MS level.


named character vector to rename MSP fields to spectra variables (see spectraVariableMapping()). This allows to correctly import also custom fields or data from files with different MSP flavors.


parallel processing setup. See bpparam() for more details.


Additional parameters, currently ignored.


A DataFrame with each row containing the data from one spectrum in the MSP file. m/z and intensity values are available in columns "mz" and "intensity" in a list representation.


Laurent Gatto, Steffen Neumann, Johannes Rainer


f <- system.file("extdata", "minimona.msp", package = "MsBackendMsp")

#> DataFrame with 30 rows and 19 columns
#>                       Name                                            Synon
#>                <character>                                           <list>
#> 1                Ritonavir                                    $:00in-source
#> 2                  Unknown                                    $:00in-source
#> 3                  Unknown                                    $:00in-source
#> 4                  Unknown                                    $:00in-source
#> 5                  Unknown                                    $:00in-source
#> ...                    ...                                              ...
#> 26  7-MAHPDA [DMED-FAHFA.. $:00 ms2,$:05 30V CID,$:07 In-Silico-Spect..,...
#> 27  8-MAHPDA [DMED-FAHFA.. $:00 ms2,$:05 30V CID,$:07 In-Silico-Spect..,...
#> 28  9-MAHPDA [DMED-FAHFA.. $:00 ms2,$:05 30V CID,$:07 In-Silico-Spect..,...
#> 29  10-MAHPDA [DMED-FAHF.. $:00 ms2,$:05 30V CID,$:07 In-Silico-Spect..,...
#> 30  11-MAHPDA [DMED-FAHF.. $:00 ms2,$:05 30V CID,$:07 In-Silico-Spect..,...
#>       accession               InChIKey  Instrument_type      Formula
#>     <character>            <character>      <character>  <character>
#> 1    MoNA000010 NCDNCNXCDXHOMX-XGKFQ.. Waters Synapt G2 C37H48N6O5S2
#> 2    MoNA000012 MXNRLFUSFKVQSK-QMMMG..               NA          H2O
#> 3    MoNA000013 JFLIEFSWGNOPJJ-JTQLQ..               NA   C13H16N2O4
#> 4    MoNA000014 MXNRLFUSFKVQSK-QMMMG..               NA    C9H20N2O2
#> 5    MoNA000015 JFLIEFSWGNOPJJ-JTQLQ..               NA   C13H16N2O4
#> ...         ...                    ...              ...          ...
#> 26   MoNA011542 MQTXDUJVZFSMBT-UHFFF..               NA           NA
#> 27   MoNA011543 CYZGZMTYUCCRMO-UHFFF..               NA           NA
#> 28   MoNA011544 GREOXQBULJWSQV-UHFFF..               NA           NA
#> 29   MoNA011545 GPDSFBGRMDEPAY-UHFFF..               NA           NA
#> 30   MoNA011546 QGMGRNCZWXKENS-UHFFF..               NA           NA
#>              MW         ExactMass               Comments   Num.Peaks
#>     <character>       <character>            <character> <character>
#> 1           720 720.3127606360001 "computed SMILES=OC(..           8
#> 2            18      18.010564684 "computed SMILES=O" ..          29
#> 3           264     264.111006992 "computed SMILES=O=C..          21
#> 4           188      188.15247788 "computed SMILES=O=C..          10
#> 5           264     264.111006992 "computed SMILES=O=C..          18
#> ...         ...               ...                    ...         ...
#> 26           NA                NA "molecular weight=53..           4
#> 27           NA                NA "molecular weight=53..           4
#> 28           NA                NA "molecular weight=53..           4
#> 29           NA                NA "molecular weight=53..           4
#> 30           NA                NA "molecular weight=53..           4
#>                              mz                      intensity Precursor_type
#>                   <NumericList>                  <NumericList>    <character>
#> 1   140.054,171.096,197.075,...       18.018,18.018,31.031,...             NA
#> 2   41.0418,42.0375,43.0201,... 2.036603,1.781709,0.795269,...         [M+H]+
#> 3   41.0442,56.0522,65.0415,...    1.41478,2.52135,1.09140,...         [M+H]+
#> 4   41.0424,56.0532,65.0403,...    6.06061,7.02479,4.68320,...         [M+H]+
#> 5   42.0032,42.0105,67.0334,...    5.66221,3.25771,1.37677,...         [M-H]-
#> ...                         ...                            ...            ...
#> 26  266.248,311.306,494.457,...    60.0601,40.0400,30.0300,...         [M+H]+
#> 27  266.248,311.306,494.457,...    60.0601,40.0400,30.0300,...         [M+H]+
#> 28  266.248,311.306,494.457,...    60.0601,40.0400,30.0300,...         [M+H]+
#> 29  266.248,311.306,494.457,...    60.0601,40.0400,30.0300,...         [M+H]+
#> 30  266.248,311.306,494.457,...    60.0601,40.0400,30.0300,...         [M+H]+
#>     PrecursorMZ Collision_energy    Ion_mode Spectrum_type
#>     <character>      <character> <character>   <character>
#> 1            NA               NA          NA            NA
#> 2      189.1603               NA          NA            NA
#> 3      265.1188            35 eV          NA            NA
#> 4      265.1188            45 eV          NA            NA
#> 5      263.1031           -35 eV          NA            NA
#> ...         ...              ...         ...           ...
#> 26    539.51462               NA           P            NA
#> 27    539.51462               NA           P            NA
#> 28    539.51462               NA           P            NA
#> 29    539.51462               NA           P            NA
#> 30    539.51462               NA           P            NA
#>                 dataOrigin   msLevel
#>                <character> <integer>
#> 1   /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 2   /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 3   /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 4   /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 5   /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> ...                    ...       ...
#> 26  /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 27  /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 28  /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 29  /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2
#> 30  /__w/_temp/Library/M..         2