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Matches between query and target generic objects can be represented by the Matched object. By default, all data accessors work as left joins between the query and the target object, i.e. values are returned for each query object with eventual duplicated entries (values) if the query object matches more than one target object. See also Creation and subsetting as well as Extracting data sections below for details and more information.

The Matched object allows to represent matches between one-dimensional query and target objects (being e.g. numeric or list), two-dimensional objects (data.frame or matrix) or more complex structures such as SummarizedExperiments or QFeatures. Combinations of all these different data types are also supported. Matches are represented between elements of one-dimensional objects, or rows for two-dimensional objects (including SummarizedExperiment or QFeatures). For QFeatures::QFeatures() objects matches to only one of the assays within the object is supported.


addMatches(object, ...)

endoapply(X, FUN, ...)

filterMatches(object, param, ...)

matchedData(object, ...)

queryVariables(object, ...)

targetVariables(object, ...)

  query = list(),
  target = list(),
  matches = data.frame(query_idx = integer(), target_idx = integer(), score = numeric()),
  queryAssay = character(),
  targetAssay = character(),
  metadata = list()

# S4 method for class 'Matched'

# S4 method for class 'Matched'

# S4 method for class 'Matched,ANY,ANY,ANY'
x[i, j, ..., drop = FALSE]



# S4 method for class 'Matched'
query(x, pattern, ...)





# S4 method for class 'Matched'

# S4 method for class 'Matched'


# S4 method for class 'Matched'

# S4 method for class 'Matched'

# S4 method for class 'Matched'
matchedData(object, columns = colnames(object), ...)


# S4 method for class 'Matched,missing'
  queryValue = integer(),
  targetValue = integer(),
  queryColname = character(),
  targetColname = character(),
  index = integer(),
  keep = TRUE,

  queryValue = numeric(),
  targetValue = numeric(),
  queryColname = character(),
  targetColname = character(),
  index = integer(),
  keep = TRUE

TopRankedMatchesParam(n = 1L, decreasing = FALSE)

ScoreThresholdParam(threshold = 0, above = FALSE, column = "score")

# S4 method for class 'Matched,SelectMatchesParam'
filterMatches(object, param, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Matched,TopRankedMatchesParam'
filterMatches(object, param, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Matched,ScoreThresholdParam'
filterMatches(object, param, ...)

  duplicates = c("remove", "closest", "top_ranked"),
  column = "score",
  decreasing = TRUE

# S4 method for class 'Matched,SingleMatchParam'
filterMatches(object, param, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Matched'
  queryValue = integer(),
  targetValue = integer(),
  queryColname = character(),
  targetColname = character(),
  score = rep(NA_real_, length(queryValue)),
  isIndex = FALSE

# S4 method for class 'ANY'
endoapply(X, FUN, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Matched'
endoapply(X, FUN, ...)

# S4 method for class 'Matched'
lapply(X, FUN, ...)



a Matched object.


additional parameters.


Matched object.


for lapply and endoapply: user defined function that takes a Matched object as a first parameter and possibly additional parameters (that need to be provided in the lapply or endoapply call. For lapply FUN can return any object while for endoapply it must return a Matched object.


for filterMatches: parameter object to select and customize the filtering procedure.


object with the query elements.


object with the elements against which query has been matched.


data.frame with columns "query_idx" (integer), "target_idx" (integer) and "score" (numeric) representing the n:m mapping of elements between the query and the target objects.


character that needs to be specified when query is a QFeatures. In this case, queryAssay is expected to be the name of one of the assays in query (the one on which the matching was performed).


character that needs to be specified when target is a QFeatures. In this case, targetAssay is expected to be the name of one of the assays in target (the one on which the matching was performed).


list with optional additional metadata.


Matched object.


integer or logical defining the query elements to keep.


for [: ignored.


for [: ignored.


for query: ignored.


for $: the name of the column (or variable) to extract.


for matchedData: character vector with column names of variables that should be extracted.


for SelectMatchesParam: vector of values to search for in query (if query is 1-dimensional) or in column queryColname of query (if query is 2-dimensional). For addMatches: either an index in query or value in column queryColname of query defining (together with targetValue) the pair of query and target elements for which a match should be manually added. Lengths of queryValue and targetValue have to match.


for SelectMatchesParam: vector of values to search for in target (if target is 1-dimensional) or in column targetColname of target (if target is 2-dimensional). For addMatches: either an index in target or value in column targetColname of target defining (together with queryValue) the pair of query and target elements for which a match should be manually added. Lengths of queryValue and targetValue have to match.


for SelectMatchesParam: if query is 2-dimensional it represents the column of query against which elements of queryValue are compared.


for SelectMatchesParam: if query is 2-dimensional it represents the column of target against which elements of targetValue are compared.


for SelectMatchesParam: indices of the matches to keep (if keep = TRUE) or to drop if (keep = FALSE).


for SelectMatchesParam: logical. If keep = TRUE the matches are kept, if keep = FALSE they are removed.


for TopRankedMatchesParam: integer(1) with number of best ranked matches to keep for each query element.


for TopRankedMatchesParam: logical(1) whether scores should be ordered increasing or decreasing. Defaults to decreasing = FALSE.


for ScoreThresholdParam : numeric(1) specifying the threshold to consider for the filtering.


for ScoreThresholdParam : logical(1) specifying whether to keep matches above (above = TRUE) or below (above = FALSE) a certain threshold.


for ScoreThresholdParam: character(1) specifying the name of the score variable to consider for the filtering (the default is column = "score"). For SingleMatchParam: character(1) defining the name of the column to be used for de-duplication. See description of SingleMatchParam in the Filtering and subsetting section for details.


for SingleMatchParam: character(1) defining the de-duplication strategy. See the description of SingleMatchParam in the Filtering and subsetting subsection for choices and details.


for addMatches: numeric (same length than queryValue) or data.frame (same number of rows than queryValue) specifying the scores for the matches to add. If not specified, a NA will be used as score.


for addMatches: specifies if queryValue and targetValue are expected to be vectors of indices.


See individual method description above for details.

Creation and general handling

Matched object is returned as result from the matchValues() function.

Alternatively, Matched objects can also be created with the Matched function providing the query and target objects as well as the matches data.frame with two columns of integer indices defining which elements from query match which element from target.

  • addMatches: add new matches to an existing object. Parameters queryValue and targetValue allow to define which element(s) in query and target should be considered matching. If isIndex = TRUE, both queryValue and targetValue are considered to be integer indices identifying the matching elements in query and target, respectively. Alternatively (with isIndex = FALSE) queryValue and targetValue can be elements in columns queryColname or targetColname which can be used to identify the matching elements. Note that in this case only the first matching pair is added. Parameter score allows to provide the score for the match. It can be a numeric with the score or a data.frame with additional information on the manually added matches. In both cases its length (or number of rows) has to match the length of queryValue. See examples below for more information.

  • endoapply: applies a user defined function FUN to each subset of matches in a Matched object corresponding to a query element (i.e. for each x[i] with i being 1 to length(x)). The results are then combined in a single Matched object representing updated matches. Note that FUN has to return a Matched object.

  • lapply: applies a user defined function FUN to each subset of matches in a Matched object for each query element (i.e. to each x[i] with i from 1 to length(x)). It returns a list of length(object) elements where each element is the output of FUN applied to each subset of matches.

Filtering and subsetting

  • [: subset the object selecting query object elements to keep with parameter i. The resulting object will contain all the matches for the selected query elements. The target object will by default be returned as-is.

  • filterMatches: filter matches in a Matched object using different approaches depending on the class of param:

    • ScoreThresholdParam: keeps only the matches whose score is strictly above or strictly below a certain threshold (respectively when parameter above = TRUE and above = FALSE). The name of the column containing the scores to be used for the filtering can be specified with parameter column. The default for column is "score". Such variable is present in each Matched object. The name of other score variables (if present) can be provided (the names of all score variables can be obtained with scoreVariables() function). For example column = "score_rt" can be used to filter matches based on retention time scores for Matched objects returned by matchValues() when param objects involving a retention time comparison are used.

    • SelectMatchesParam: keeps or removes (respectively when parameter keep = TRUE and keep = FALSE) matches corresponding to certain indices or values of query and target. If queryValue and targetValue are provided, matches for these value pairs are kept or removed. Parameter indexallows to filter matches providing their index in the [matches()] matrix. Note thatfilterMatchesremoves only matches from the [matches()] matrix from theMatchedobject but thus not alter thequeryortarget` in the object. See examples below for more information.

    • SingleMatchParam: reduces matches to keep only (at most) a single match per query. The deduplication strategy can be defined with parameter duplicates:

      • duplicates = "remove": all matches for query elements matching more than one target element will be removed.

      • duplicates = "closest": keep only the closest match for each query element. The closest match is defined by the value(s) of score (and eventually score_rt, if present). The one match with the smallest value for this (these) column(s) is retained. This is equivalent to TopRankedMatchesParam(n = 1L, decreasing = FALSE).

      • duplicates = "top_ranked": select the best ranking match for each query element. Parameter column allows to specify the column by which matches are ranked (use targetVariables(object) or scoreVariables(object) to list possible columns). Parameter decreasing allows to define whether the match with the highest (decreasing = TRUE) or lowest (decreasing = FALSE) value in column for each query will be selected.

    • TopRankedMatchesParam: for each query element the matches are ranked according to their score and only the n best of them are kept (if n is larger than the number of matches for a given query element all the matches are returned). For the ranking (ordering) R's rank function is used on the absolute values of the scores (variable "score"), thus, smaller score values (representing e.g. smaller differences between expected and observed m/z values) are considered better. By setting parameter decreasing = TRUE matches can be ranked in decreasing order (i.e. higher scores are ranked higher and are thus selected). If besides variable "score" also variable "score_rt" is available in the Matched object (which is the case for the Matched object returned by matchValues() for param objects involving a retention time comparison), the ordering of the matches is based on the product of the ranks of the two variables (ranking of retention time differences is performed on the absolute value of "score_rt"). Thus, matches with small (or, depending on parameter decreasing, large) values for "score" and "score_rt" are returned.

  • pruneTarget: cleans the object by removing non-matched target elements.

Extracting data

  • $ extracts a single variable from the Matched x. The variables that can be extracted can be listed using colnames(x). These variables can belong to query, target or be related to the matches (e.g. the score of each match). If the query (target) object is two dimensional, its columns can be extracted (prefix "target_" is used for columns in the target object) otherwise if query (target) has only a single dimension (e.g. is a list or a character) the whole object can be extracted with x$query (x$target). More precisely, when query (target) is a SummarizedExperiment the columns from rowData(query) (rowData(target)) are extracted; when query (target) is a QFeatures::QFeatures() the columns from rowData of the assay specified in the queryAssay (targetAssay) slot are extracted. The matching scores are available as variable "score". Similar to a left join between the query and target elements, this function returns a value for each query element, with eventual duplicated values for query elements matching more than one target element. If variables from the target data.frame are extracted, an NA is reported for the entries corresponding to query elements that don't match any target element. See examples below for more details.

  • length returns the number of query elements.

  • matchedData allows to extract multiple variables contained in the Matched object as a DataFrame. Parameter columns allows to define which columns (or variables) should be returned (defaults to columns = colnames(object)). Each single column in the returned DataFrame is constructed in the same way as in $. That is, like $, this function performs a left join of variables from the query and target objects returning all values for all query elements (eventually returning duplicated elements for query elements matching multiple target elements) and the values for the target elements matched to the respective query elements (or NA if the target element is not matched to any query element).

  • matches returns a data.frame with the actual matching information with columns "query_idx" (index of the element in query), "target_idx" (index of the element in target) "score" (the score of the match) and eventual additional columns.

  • target returns the target object.

  • targetIndex returns the indices of the matched targets in the order they are assigned to the query elements. The length of the returned integer vector is equal to the total number of matches in the object. targetIndex and queryIndex are aligned, i.e. each element in them represent a matched query-target pair.

  • query returns the query object.

  • queryIndex returns the indices of the query elements with matches to target elements. The length of the returned integer vector is equal to the total number of matches in the object. targetIndex and queryIndex are aligned, i.e. each element in them represent a matched query-target pair.

  • queryVariables returns the names of the variables (columns) in query.

  • scoreVariables returns the names of the score variables stored in the Matched object (precisely the names of the variables in matches(object) containing the string "score" in their name ignoring the case).

  • targetVariables returns the names of the variables (columns) in target (prefixed with "target_").

  • whichTarget returns an integer with the indices of the elements in target that match at least one element in query.

  • whichQuery returns an integer with the indices of the elements in query that match at least one element in target.

See also


Andrea Vicini, Johannes Rainer


## Creating a `Matched` object.
q1 <- data.frame(col1 = 1:5, col2 = 6:10)
t1 <- data.frame(col1 = 11:16, col2 = 17:22)
## Define matches between query row 1 with target row 2 and, query row 2
## with target rows 2,3,4 and query row 5 with target row 5.
mo <- Matched(
    q1, t1, matches = data.frame(query_idx = c(1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 5L),
                                 target_idx = c(2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L),
                                 score = seq(0.5, 0.9, by = 0.1)))
#> Object of class Matched 
#> Total number of matches: 5 
#> Number of query objects: 5 (3 matched)
#> Number of target objects: 6 (4 matched)

## Which of the query elements (rows) match at least one target
## element (row)?
#> [1] 1 2 5

## Which target elements (rows) match at least one query element (row)?
#> [1] 2 3 4 5

## Extracting variable "col1" from query object .
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 3 4 5

## We have duplicated values for the entries of `col1` related to query
## elements (rows) matched to multiple rows of the target object). The
## value of `col1` is returned for each element (row) in the query.

## Extracting variable "col1" from target object. To access columns from
## target we have to prefix the name of the column by `"target_"`.
## Note that only values of `col1` for rows matching at least one query
## row are returned and an NA is reported for query rows without matching
## target rows.
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## The 3rd and 4th query rows do not match any target row, thus `NA` is
## returned.

## `matchedData` can be used to extract all (or selected) columns
## from the object. Same as with `$`, a left join between the columns
## from the query and the target is performed. Below we extract selected
## columns from the object as a DataFrame.
res <- matchedData(mo, columns = c("col1", "col2", "target_col1",
#> DataFrame with 7 rows and 4 columns
#>          col1      col2 target_col1 target_col2
#>     <integer> <integer>   <integer>   <integer>
#> 1           1         6          12          18
#> 2           2         7          12          18
#> 2.1         2         7          13          19
#> 2.2         2         7          14          20
#> 3           3         8          NA          NA
#> 4           4         9          NA          NA
#> 5           5        10          15          21
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 3 4 5
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## With the `queryIndex` and `targetIndex` it is possible to extract the
## indices of the matched query-target pairs:
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 5
#> [1] 2 2 3 4 5

## Hence, the first match is between the query with index 1 to the target
## with index 2, then, query with index 2 is matched to target with index 2
## and so on.

## The example matched object contains all query and all target
## elements (rows). Below we subset the object keeping only query rows that
## are matched to at least one target row.
mo_sub <- mo[whichQuery(mo)]

## mo_sub contains now only 3 query rows:
#> [1] 3

## while the original object contains all 5 query rows:
#> [1] 5

## Both objects contain however still the full target object:
#> [1] 6
#> [1] 6

## With the `pruneTarget` we can however reduce also the target rows to
## only those that match at least one query row
mo_sub <- pruneTarget(mo_sub)
#> [1] 4

## Creating a `Matched` object with a `data.frame` for `query` and a `vector`
## for `target`. The matches are specified in the same way as the example
## before.

q1 <- data.frame(col1 = 1:5, col2 = 6:10)
t2 <- 11:16
mo <- Matched(q1, t2, matches = data.frame(query_idx = c(1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 5L),
    target_idx = c(2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L), score = seq(0.5, 0.9, by = 0.1)))

## *target* is a simple vector and has thus no columns. The matched values
## from target, if it does not have dimensions and hence column names, can
## be retrieved with `$target`
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## Note that in this case "target" is returned by the function `colnames`
#> [1] "col1"   "col2"   "target" "score" 

## As before, we can extract all data as a `DataFrame`
res <- matchedData(mo)
#> DataFrame with 7 rows and 4 columns
#>          col1      col2 target     score
#>     <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1           1         6     12       0.5
#> 2           2         7     12       0.6
#> 2.1         2         7     13       0.7
#> 2.2         2         7     14       0.8
#> 3           3         8     NA        NA
#> 4           4         9     NA        NA
#> 5           5        10     15       0.9

## Note that the columns of the obtained `DataFrame` are the same as the
## corresponding vectors obtained with `$`
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 3 4 5
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## Also subsetting and pruning works in the same way as the example above.

mo_sub <- mo[whichQuery(mo)]

## mo_sub contains now only 3 query rows:
#> [1] 3

## while the original object contains all 5 query rows:
#> [1] 5

## Both object contain however still the full target object:
#> [1] 6
#> [1] 6

## Reducing the target elements to only those that match at least one query
## row
mo_sub <- pruneTarget(mo_sub)
#> [1] 4

## Filtering `Matched` with `filterMatches`

## Inspecting the matches in `mo`:
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 3 4 5
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## We have thus target *12* matched to both query elements with values 1 and
## 2, and query element 2 is matching 3 target elements. Let's assume we want
## to resolve this multiple mappings to keep from them only the match between
## query 1 (column `"col1"` containing value `1`) with target 1 (value `12`)
## and query 2 (column `"col1"` containing value `2`) with target 2 (value
## `13`). In addition we also want to keep query element 5 (value `5` in
## column `"col1"`) with the target with value `15`:
mo_sub <- filterMatches(mo,
    SelectMatchesParam(queryValue = c(1, 2, 5), queryColname = "col1",
                       targetValue = c(12, 13, 15)))
#> DataFrame with 5 rows and 4 columns
#>        col1      col2 target     score
#>   <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1         1         6     12       0.5
#> 2         2         7     13       0.7
#> 3         3         8     NA        NA
#> 4         4         9     NA        NA
#> 5         5        10     15       0.9

## Alternatively to specifying the matches to filter with `queryValue` and
## `targetValue` it is also possible to specify directly the index of the
## match(es) in the `matches` `data.frame`:
#>   query_idx target_idx score
#> 1         1          2   0.5
#> 2         2          2   0.6
#> 3         2          3   0.7
#> 4         2          4   0.8
#> 5         5          5   0.9

## To keep only matches like in the example above we could use:
mo_sub <- filterMatches(mo, SelectMatchesParam(index = c(1, 3, 5)))
#> DataFrame with 5 rows and 4 columns
#>        col1      col2 target     score
#>   <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1         1         6     12       0.5
#> 2         2         7     13       0.7
#> 3         3         8     NA        NA
#> 4         4         9     NA        NA
#> 5         5        10     15       0.9

## Note also that, instead of keeping the specified matches, it would be
## possible to remove them by setting `keep = FALSE`. Below we remove
## selected matches from the object:
mo_sub <- filterMatches(mo,
    SelectMatchesParam(queryValue = c(2, 2), queryColname = "col1",
                       targetValue = c(12, 14), keep = FALSE))
#> [1] 1 2 3 4 5
#> [1] 12 13 NA NA 15

## As alternative to *manually* selecting matches it is also possible to
## filter matches keeping only the *best matches* using the
## `TopRankedMatchesParam`. This will rank matches for each query based on
## their *score* value and select the best *n* matches with lowest score
## values (i.e. smallest difference in m/z values).
mo_sub <- filterMatches(mo, TopRankedMatchesParam(n = 1L))
#> DataFrame with 5 rows and 4 columns
#>        col1      col2 target     score
#>   <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1         1         6     12       0.5
#> 2         2         7     12       0.6
#> 3         3         8     NA        NA
#> 4         4         9     NA        NA
#> 5         5        10     15       0.9

## Additionally it is possible to select matches based on a threshold
## for their *score*. Below we keep matches with score below 0.75 (one
## could select matches with *score* greater than the threshold by setting
## `ScoreThresholdParam` parameter `above = TRUE`.
mo_sub <- filterMatches(mo, ScoreThresholdParam(threshold = 0.75))
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 4 columns
#>          col1      col2 target     score
#>     <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1           1         6     12       0.5
#> 2           2         7     12       0.6
#> 2.1         2         7     13       0.7
#> 3           3         8     NA        NA
#> 4           4         9     NA        NA
#> 5           5        10     NA        NA

## Selecting the best match for each `query` element with `endoapply`

## It is also possible to select for each `query` element the match with the
## lowest score using `endoapply`. We manually define a function to select
## the best match for each query and give it as input to `endoapply`
## together with the `Matched` object itself. We obtain the same results as
## in the `filterMatches` example above.

FUN <- function(x) {
    if(nrow(x@matches) > 1)
        x@matches <- x@matches[order(x@matches$score)[1], , drop = FALSE]

mo_sub <- endoapply(mo, FUN)
#> Error in as(from, to_class, strict = FALSE): no method or default for coercing “list” to “Matched”
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 4 columns
#>          col1      col2 target     score
#>     <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1           1         6     12       0.5
#> 2           2         7     12       0.6
#> 2.1         2         7     13       0.7
#> 3           3         8     NA        NA
#> 4           4         9     NA        NA
#> 5           5        10     NA        NA

## Adding matches using `addMatches`

## `addMatches` allows to manually add matches. Below we add a new match
## between the `query` element with a value of `1` in column `"col1"` and
## the target element with a value of `15`. Parameter `score` allows to
## assign a score value to the match.
mo_add <- addMatches(mo, queryValue = 1, queryColname = "col1",
    targetValue = 15, score = 1.40)
#> DataFrame with 8 rows and 4 columns
#>          col1      col2 target     score
#>     <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1           1         6     12       0.5
#> 1.1         1         6     15       1.4
#> 2           2         7     12       0.6
#> 2.1         2         7     13       0.7
#> 2.2         2         7     14       0.8
#> 3           3         8     NA        NA
#> 4           4         9     NA        NA
#> 5           5        10     15       0.9
## Matches are always sorted by `query`, thus, the new match is listed as
## second match.

## Alternatively, we can also provide a `data.frame` with parameter `score`
## which enables us to add additional information to the added match. Below
## we define the score and an additional column specifying that this match
## was added manually. This information will then also be available in the
## `matchedData`.
mo_add <- addMatches(mo, queryValue = 1, queryColname = "col1",
    targetValue = 15, score = data.frame(score = 5, manual = TRUE))
#> DataFrame with 8 rows and 5 columns
#>          col1      col2 target     score    manual
#>     <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric> <logical>
#> 1           1         6     12       0.5        NA
#> 1.1         1         6     15       5.0      TRUE
#> 2           2         7     12       0.6        NA
#> 2.1         2         7     13       0.7        NA
#> 2.2         2         7     14       0.8        NA
#> 3           3         8     NA        NA        NA
#> 4           4         9     NA        NA        NA
#> 5           5        10     15       0.9        NA

## The match will get a score of NA if we're not providing any score.
mo_add <- addMatches(mo, queryValue = 1, queryColname = "col1",
    targetValue = 15)
#> DataFrame with 8 rows and 4 columns
#>          col1      col2 target     score
#>     <integer> <integer> <AsIs> <numeric>
#> 1           1         6     12       0.5
#> 1.1         1         6     15        NA
#> 2           2         7     12       0.6
#> 2.1         2         7     13       0.7
#> 2.2         2         7     14       0.8
#> 3           3         8     NA        NA
#> 4           4         9     NA        NA
#> 5           5        10     15       0.9

## Creating a `Matched` object with a `SummarizedExperiment` for `query` and
## a `vector` for `target`. The matches are specified in the same way as
## the example before.
#> Loading required package: MatrixGenerics
#> Loading required package: matrixStats
#> Attaching package: ‘MatrixGenerics’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:matrixStats’:
#>     colAlls, colAnyNAs, colAnys, colAvgsPerRowSet, colCollapse,
#>     colCounts, colCummaxs, colCummins, colCumprods, colCumsums,
#>     colDiffs, colIQRDiffs, colIQRs, colLogSumExps, colMadDiffs,
#>     colMads, colMaxs, colMeans2, colMedians, colMins, colOrderStats,
#>     colProds, colQuantiles, colRanges, colRanks, colSdDiffs, colSds,
#>     colSums2, colTabulates, colVarDiffs, colVars, colWeightedMads,
#>     colWeightedMeans, colWeightedMedians, colWeightedSds,
#>     colWeightedVars, rowAlls, rowAnyNAs, rowAnys, rowAvgsPerColSet,
#>     rowCollapse, rowCounts, rowCummaxs, rowCummins, rowCumprods,
#>     rowCumsums, rowDiffs, rowIQRDiffs, rowIQRs, rowLogSumExps,
#>     rowMadDiffs, rowMads, rowMaxs, rowMeans2, rowMedians, rowMins,
#>     rowOrderStats, rowProds, rowQuantiles, rowRanges, rowRanks,
#>     rowSdDiffs, rowSds, rowSums2, rowTabulates, rowVarDiffs, rowVars,
#>     rowWeightedMads, rowWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMedians,
#>     rowWeightedSds, rowWeightedVars
#> Loading required package: GenomicRanges
#> Loading required package: IRanges
#> Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
#> Loading required package: Biobase
#> Welcome to Bioconductor
#>     Vignettes contain introductory material; view with
#>     'browseVignettes()'. To cite Bioconductor, see
#>     'citation("Biobase")', and for packages 'citation("pkgname")'.
#> Attaching package: ‘Biobase’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:MatrixGenerics’:
#>     rowMedians
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:matrixStats’:
#>     anyMissing, rowMedians
q1 <- SummarizedExperiment(
  assays = data.frame(matrix(NA, 5, 2)),
  rowData = data.frame(col1 = 1:5, col2 = 6:10),
  colData = data.frame(cD1 = c(NA, NA), cD2 = c(NA, NA)))
t1 <- data.frame(col1 = 11:16, col2 = 17:22)
## Define matches between row 1 in rowData(q1) with target row 2 and,
## rowData(q1) row 2 with target rows 2,3,4 and rowData(q1) row 5 with target
## row 5.
mo <- Matched(
    q1, t1, matches = data.frame(query_idx = c(1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 5L),
                                target_idx = c(2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L),
                                 score = seq(0.5, 0.9, by = 0.1)))
#> Object of class Matched 
#> Total number of matches: 5 
#> Number of query objects: 5 (3 matched)
#> Number of target objects: 6 (4 matched)

## Which of the query elements (rows) match at least one target
## element (row)?
#> [1] 1 2 5

## Which target elements (rows) match at least one query element (row)?
#> [1] 2 3 4 5

## Extracting variable "col1" from rowData(q1).
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 3 4 5

## We have duplicated values for the entries of `col1` related to rows of
## rowData(q1) matched to multiple rows of the target data.frame t1. The
## value of `col1` is returned for each row in the rowData of query.

## Extracting variable "col1" from target object. To access columns from
## target we have to prefix the name of the column by `"target_"`.
## Note that only values of `col1` for rows matching at least one row in
## rowData of query are returned and an NA is reported for those without
## matching target rows.
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## The 3rd and 4th query rows do not match any target row, thus `NA` is
## returned.

## `matchedData` can be used to extract all (or selected) columns
## from the object. Same as with `$`, a left join between the columns
## from the query and the target is performed. Below we extract selected
## columns from the object as a DataFrame.
res <- matchedData(mo, columns = c("col1", "col2", "target_col1",
#> DataFrame with 7 rows and 4 columns
#>        col1      col2 target_col1 target_col2
#>   <integer> <integer>   <integer>   <integer>
#> 1         1         6          12          18
#> 2         2         7          12          18
#> 2         2         7          13          19
#> 2         2         7          14          20
#> 3         3         8          NA          NA
#> 4         4         9          NA          NA
#> 5         5        10          15          21
#> [1] 1 2 2 2 3 4 5
#> [1] 12 12 13 14 NA NA 15

## The example `Matched` object contains all rows in the
## `rowData` of the `SummarizedExperiment` and all target rows. Below we
## subset the object keeping only rows that are matched to at least one
## target row.
mo_sub <- mo[whichQuery(mo)]

## mo_sub contains now a `SummarizedExperiment` with only 3 rows:
#> [1] 3

## while the original object contains a `SummarizedExperiment` with all 5
## rows:
#> [1] 5

## Both objects contain however still the full target object:
#> [1] 6
#> [1] 6

## With the `pruneTarget` we can however reduce also the target rows to
## only those that match at least one in the `rowData` of query
mo_sub <- pruneTarget(mo_sub)
#> [1] 4