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Read/import MS spectra data of an experiment from the respective (raw) data files into an MsExperiment() object. Files provided with the spectraFiles parameter are imported as a Spectra object and each file is automatically linked to rows (samples) of a sampleData data frame (if provided).


readMsExperiment(spectraFiles = character(), sampleData = data.frame(), ...)



character with the (absolute) file names of the MS data files that should be imported as a Spectra::Spectra() object.


data.frame or DataFrame with the sample annotations. Each row is expected to contain annotations for one file (sample). The order of the data frame's rows is expected to match the order of the provided files (with parameter spectraFiles).


additional parameters for the Spectra::Spectra() call to import the data.




Johannes Rainer


## Define the files of the experiment to import
fls <- c(system.file("microtofq/MM14.mzML", package = "msdata"),
         system.file("microtofq/MM8.mzML", package = "msdata"))

## Define a data frame with some sample annotations
ann <- data.frame(
    injection_index = 1:2,
    sample_id = c("MM14", "MM8"))

## Import the data
mse <- readMsExperiment(spectraFiles = fls, ann)
#> Object of class MsExperiment 
#>  Spectra: MS1 (310) 
#>  Experiment data: 2 sample(s)
#>  Sample data links:
#>   - spectra: 2 sample(s) to 310 element(s).

## Access the spectra data
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 310 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
#>       msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>     <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1           1   270.334         1
#> 2           1   270.671         2
#> 3           1   271.007         3
#> 4           1   271.343         4
#> 5           1   271.680         5
#> ...       ...       ...       ...
#> 306         1   65.4360       194
#> 307         1   65.7720       195
#> 308         1   66.1092       196
#> 309         1   66.4458       197
#> 310         1   66.7818       198
#>  ... 33 more variables/columns.
#> file(s):
#> MM14.mzML
#> MM8.mzML

## Access the sample annotations
#> DataFrame with 2 rows and 3 columns
#>   injection_index   sample_id spectraOrigin
#>         <integer> <character>   <character>
#> 1               1        MM14 /__w/_temp...
#> 2               2         MM8 /__w/_temp...

## Import the data reading all MS spectra directly into memory
mse <- readMsExperiment(spectraFiles = fls, ann,
    backend = Spectra::MsBackendMemory())
#> Object of class MsExperiment 
#>  Spectra: MS1 (310) 
#>  Experiment data: 2 sample(s)
#>  Sample data links:
#>   - spectra: 2 sample(s) to 310 element(s).