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The MetaboLightsParam class and the associated readMsObject() method allow users to load an MsExperiment object from a study in the MetaboLights database ( by providing its unique study mtblsId. This function is particularly useful for importing metabolomics data into an MsExperiment object for further analysis in the R environment. It is important to note that at present it is only possible to read (import) data from MetaboLights, but not to save data to MetaboLights.

If the study contains multiple assays, the user will be prompted to select which assay to load. The resulting MsExperiment object will include a sampleData slot populated with data extracted from the selected assay.

Users can define how to filter this sampleData table by specifying a few parameters. The keepOntology parameter is set to TRUE by default, meaning that all ontology-related columns are retained. If set to FALSE, they are removed. If ontology columns are kept, some column names may be duplicated and therefore numbered. The order of these columns is important, as it reflects the assay and sample information available in MetaboLights.

The keepProtocol parameter is also set to TRUE by default, meaning that all columns related to protocols are kept. If set to FALSE, they are removed. The simplify parameter (default simplify = TRUE) allows to define whether duplicated columns or columns containing only missing values should be removed. In the case of duplicated content, only the first occurring column will be retained.

Further filtering can be performed using the filePattern parameter of the MetaboLightsParam object. The default for this parameter is "mzML$|CDF$|cdf$|mzXML$", which corresponds to the supported raw data file types.


  mtblsId = character(),
  assayName = character(),
  filePattern = "mzML$|CDF$|cdf$|mzXML$"

# S4 method for class 'MsExperiment,MetaboLightsParam'
  keepOntology = TRUE,
  keepProtocol = TRUE,
  simplify = TRUE,



character(1) The MetaboLights study ID, which should start with "MTBL". This identifier uniquely specifies the study within the MetaboLights database.


character(1) The name of the assay to load. If the study contains multiple assays and this parameter is not specified, the user will be prompted to select which assay to load.


character(1) A regular expression pattern to filter the raw data files associated with the selected assay. The default value is "mzML$|CDF$|cdf$|mzXML$", corresponding to the supported raw data file types.


for saveMsObject(): the MS data object to save, for readMsObject(): the MS data object that should be returned


an object defining and (eventually configuring) the file format and file name or directory to/from which the data object should be exported/imported.


logical(1) Whether to keep columns related to ontology in the sampleData parameter. Default is TRUE.


logical(1) Whether to keep columns related to protocols information in the sampleData parameter. Default is TRUE.


logical(1) Whether to simplify the sampleData table by removing columns filled with NAs or duplicated content. Default is TRUE.


additional optional arguments. See documentation of respective method for more information.


An MsExperiment object with the sampleData parameter populated using MetaboLights sample and assay information. The spectra data is represented as a MsBackendMetabolights object, generated from the raw data files associated with the selected assay of the specified MetaboLights ID (mtblsId).

See also


Philippine Louail


# Load a study with the mtblsId "MTBLS39" and selecting specific file pattern
# as well as removing ontology and protocol information in the metadata.
param <- MetaboLightsParam(mtblsId = "MTBLS39", filePattern = "63A.cdf")
ms_experiment <- readMsObject(MsExperiment(), param , keepOntology = FALSE,
                              keepProtocol = FALSE)
#> Only one assay file found:a_MTBLS39_the_plasticity_of_the_grapevine_berry_transcriptome_metabolite_profiling_mass_spectrometry.txt
#> Used data files from the assay's column "Raw Spectral Data File" since none were available in column "Derived Spectral Data File".