There are two ways that peptide/protein matches are commonly stored: either as a vector or an adjacency matrix. The functions described below convert between these two format.

  split = ";",
  peptide = psmVariables(x)["peptide"],
  protein = psmVariables(x)["protein"],
  score = psmVariables(x)["score"],
  binary = FALSE

makePeptideProteinVector(m, collapse = ";")

  protColors = 0,
  pepColors = NULL,
  layout = igraph::layout_nicely



Either an instance of class PSM or a character. See example below for details.


character(1) defining how to split the string of protein identifiers (using strsplit()). Default is ";". If NULL, splitting is ignored.


character(1) indicating the name of the variable that defines peptides in the PSM object. Default is the peptide PSM variable as defined in psmVariables().


character(1) indicating the name of the variable that defines proteins in the PSM object. Default is the peptide PSM variable as defined in psmVariables().


character(1) indicating the name of the variable that defines PSM scores in the PSM object. Default is the score PSM variable as defined in psmVariables(). Ignored when NA (which is the default value unless set by the user when constructing the PSM object).


logical(1) indicates if the adjacency matrix should be strictly binary. In such a case, PSMs matching the same peptide but from different precursors (for example charge 2 and 3) or carrying different PTMs, are counted only once. Default if FALSE. This also overrides any score that would be set.


A peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix.


character(1) indicating how to collapse protein names for shared peptides. Default is ";".


Either a numeric(1) or a named character() of colour names. The numeric value indicates the protein colouring level to use. If 0 (default), all protein nodes are labelled in steelblue. For values > 0, approximate string distances (see adist()) between protein names are calculated and nodes of proteins that have names that differ will be coloured differently, with higher values leading to more colours. While no maximum to this value is defined in the code, it shouldn't be higher than the number of proteins. If a character is used, it should be a character of colour names named by protein identifiers. That vector should provide colours for at least all proteins in the adjacency matrix m, but more protein could be named. The latter is useful when generating a colour vector for all proteins in a dataset and use it for different adjacency matrix visualisations.


Either NULL (default) for no peptide colouring (white nodes) or a named character() of colour names. It should be a character of colour names named by peptide identifiers. That vector should provide colours for at least all peptides in the adjacency matrix m, but more peptides could be named. The latter is useful when generating a colour vector for all peptides in a dataset and use it for different adjacency matrix visualisations.


A graph layout, as defined in the ipgraph package. Default is layout_as_bipartite().


A peptide-by-protein sparce adjacency matrix (or class dgCMatrix as defined in the Matrix package) or peptide/protein vector.


The makeAdjacencyMatrix() function creates a peptide-by-protein adjacency matrix from a character or an instance of class PSM().

The character is formatted as x <- c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtA;ProtB", ...), as commonly encoutered in proteomics data spreadsheets. It defines that the first peptide is mapped to protein "ProtA", the second one to protein "ProtB", the third one to "ProtA" and "ProtB", and so on. The resulting matrix contain length(x) rows an as many columns as there are unique protein idenifiers in x. The columns are named after the protein idenifiers and the peptide/protein vector namesa are used to name to matrix rows (even if these aren't unique).

The makePeptideProteinVector() function does the opposite operation, taking an adjacency matrix as input and retruning a peptide/protein vector. The matrix colnames are used to populate the vector and the matrix rownames are used to name the vector elements.

Note that when creating an adjacency matrix from a PSM object, the matrix is not necessarily binary, as multiple PSMs can match the same peptide (sequence), such as for example precursors with different charge states. A binary matrix can either be generated with the binary argument (setting all non-0 values to 1) or by reducing the PSM object accordingly (see example below).

It is also possible to generate adjacency matrices populated with identification scores or probabilites by setting the "score" PSM variable upon construction of the PSM object (see PSM() for details). In case multiple PSMs occur, their respective scores get summed.

The plotAdjacencyMatrix() function is useful to visualise small adjacency matrices, such as those representing protein groups modelled as connected components, as described and illustrated in ConnectedComponents(). The function generates a graph modelling the relation between proteins (represented as squares) and peptides (represented as circes), which can further be coloured (see the protColors and pepColors arguments). The function invisibly returns the graph igraph object for additional tuning and/or interactive visualisation using, for example igraph::tkplot().

There exists some important differences in the creation of an adjacency matrix from a PSM object or a vector, other than the input variable itself:

  • In a PSM object, each row (PSM) refers to an individual proteins; rows/PSMs never refer to a protein group. There is thus no need for a split argument, which is used exclusively when creating a matrix from a character.

  • Conversely, when using protein vectors, such as those illustrated in the example below or retrieved from tabular quantitative proteomics data, each row/peptide is expected to refer to protein groups and individual proteins (groups of size 1). These have to be split accordingly.


Laurent Gatto


## -----------------------
## From a character
## -----------------------

## Protein vector without names
prots <- c("ProtA", "ProtB", "ProtA;ProtB")
#> 3 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>   ProtA ProtB
#> 1     1     .
#> 2     .     1
#> 3     1     1

## Named protein vector
names(prots) <- c("pep1", "pep2", "pep3")
#>          pep1          pep2          pep3 
#>       "ProtA"       "ProtB" "ProtA;ProtB" 
m <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(prots)
#> 3 x 2 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>      ProtA ProtB
#> pep1     1     .
#> pep2     .     1
#> pep3     1     1

## Back to vector
vec <- makePeptideProteinVector(m)
#>          pep1          pep2          pep3 
#>       "ProtA"       "ProtB" "ProtA;ProtB" 
identical(prots, vec)
#> [1] TRUE

## ----------------------------
## PSM object from a data.frame
## ----------------------------

psmdf <- data.frame(psm = paste0("psm", 1:10),
                    peptide = paste0("pep", c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8)),
                    protein = paste0("Prot", LETTERS[c(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6)]))
#>      psm peptide protein
#> 1   psm1    pep1   ProtA
#> 2   psm2    pep1   ProtA
#> 3   psm3    pep2   ProtB
#> 4   psm4    pep2   ProtB
#> 5   psm5    pep3   ProtC
#> 6   psm6    pep4   ProtD
#> 7   psm7    pep6   ProtC
#> 8   psm8    pep7   ProtE
#> 9   psm9    pep8   ProtF
#> 10 psm10    pep8   ProtF
psm <- PSM(psmdf, peptide = "peptide", protein = "protein")
#> PSM with 10 rows and 3 columns.
#> names(3): psm peptide protein
#> 7 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>      ProtA ProtB ProtC ProtD ProtE ProtF
#> pep1     2     .     .     .     .     .
#> pep2     .     2     .     .     .     .
#> pep3     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> pep4     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> pep6     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> pep7     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> pep8     .     .     .     .     .     2

## Reduce PSM object to peptides
rpsm <- reducePSMs(psm, k = psm$peptide)
#> Reduced PSM with 7 rows and 3 columns.
#> names(3): psm peptide protein
#> 7 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>      ProtA ProtB ProtC ProtD ProtE ProtF
#> pep1     1     .     .     .     .     .
#> pep2     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> pep3     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> pep4     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> pep6     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> pep7     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> pep8     .     .     .     .     .     1

## Or set binary to TRUE
makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm, binary = TRUE)
#> 7 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>      ProtA ProtB ProtC ProtD ProtE ProtF
#> pep1     1     .     .     .     .     .
#> pep2     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> pep3     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> pep4     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> pep6     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> pep7     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> pep8     .     .     .     .     .     1

## ----------------------------
## PSM object from an mzid file
## ----------------------------

f <- msdata::ident(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "TMT")
psm <- PSM(f) |>
       filterPsmDecoy() |>
#> Removed 2896 decoy hits.
#> Removed 155 PSMs with rank > 1.
#> PSM with 2751 rows and 35 columns.
#> names(35): sequence spectrumID ... subReplacementResidue subLocation
adj <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm)
#> [1] 2357 1504
adj[1:10, 1:4]
#> 10 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                   ECA2006 ECA1676 ECA3009 ECA1420
#> RQCRTDFLNYLR                            1       .       .       .
#> ESVALADQVTCVDWRNRKATKK                  .       1       .       .
#> QRMARTSDKQQSIRFLERLCGR                  .       .       2       .
#> DGGPAIYGHERVGRNAKKFKCLKFR               .       .       .       1
#> CIDRARHVEVQIFGDGKGRVVALGERDCSLQRR       .       .       .       .
#> VGRCRPIINYLASPGGTSER                    .       .       .       .
#> QRLDEHCVGVGQNALLLGR                     .       .       .       .
#> VDYQGKKVVIIGLGLTGLSCVDFFLARGVVPR        .       .       .       .
#> TLIIERCR                                .       .       .       .
#> QEVESCTTIEKIWVIDLKIK                    .       .       .       .

## Binary adjacency matrix
adj <- makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm, binary = TRUE)
adj[1:10, 1:4]
#> 10 x 4 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>                                   ECA2006 ECA1676 ECA3009 ECA1420
#> RQCRTDFLNYLR                            1       .       .       .
#> ESVALADQVTCVDWRNRKATKK                  .       1       .       .
#> QRMARTSDKQQSIRFLERLCGR                  .       .       1       .
#> DGGPAIYGHERVGRNAKKFKCLKFR               .       .       .       1
#> CIDRARHVEVQIFGDGKGRVVALGERDCSLQRR       .       .       .       .
#> VGRCRPIINYLASPGGTSER                    .       .       .       .
#> QRLDEHCVGVGQNALLLGR                     .       .       .       .
#> VDYQGKKVVIIGLGLTGLSCVDFFLARGVVPR        .       .       .       .
#> TLIIERCR                                .       .       .       .
#> QEVESCTTIEKIWVIDLKIK                    .       .       .       .

## Peptides with rowSums > 1 match multiple proteins.
## Use filterPsmShared() to filter these out.
#>    1    2    3    4 
#> 2324   28    3    2 

## -----------------------------------------------
## Binary, non-binary and score adjacency matrices
## -----------------------------------------------

## -------------------------------------
## Case 1: no scores, 1 PSM per peptides
psmdf <- data.frame(spectrum = c("sp1", "sp2", "sp3", "sp4", "sp5",
                                 "sp6", "sp7", "sp8", "sp9", "sp10"),
                    sequence = c("NKAVRTYHEQ", "IYNHSQGFCA", "YHWRLPVSEF",
                                 "YEHNGFPLKD", "WAQFDVYNLS", "EDHINCTQWP",
                                 "WSMKVDYEQT", "GWTSKMRYPL", "PMAYIWEKLC",
                    protein = c("ProtB", "ProtB", "ProtA", "ProtD", "ProtD",
                                "ProtG", "ProtF", "ProtE", "ProtC", "ProtF"),
                    decoy = rep(FALSE, 10),
                    rank = rep(1, 10),
                    score = c(0.082, 0.310, 0.133, 0.174, 0.944, 0.0261,
                              0.375, 0.741, 0.254, 0.058))
#>    spectrum   sequence protein decoy rank  score
#> 1       sp1 NKAVRTYHEQ   ProtB FALSE    1 0.0820
#> 2       sp2 IYNHSQGFCA   ProtB FALSE    1 0.3100
#> 3       sp3 YHWRLPVSEF   ProtA FALSE    1 0.1330
#> 4       sp4 YEHNGFPLKD   ProtD FALSE    1 0.1740
#> 5       sp5 WAQFDVYNLS   ProtD FALSE    1 0.9440
#> 6       sp6 EDHINCTQWP   ProtG FALSE    1 0.0261
#> 7       sp7 WSMKVDYEQT   ProtF FALSE    1 0.3750
#> 8       sp8 GWTSKMRYPL   ProtE FALSE    1 0.7410
#> 9       sp9 PMAYIWEKLC   ProtC FALSE    1 0.2540
#> 10     sp10 HWAEYFNDVT   ProtF FALSE    1 0.0580

psm <- PSM(psmdf, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
           protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")

## binary matrix
#> 10 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            ProtB ProtA ProtD ProtG ProtF ProtE ProtC
#> NKAVRTYHEQ     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> IYNHSQGFCA     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> YHWRLPVSEF     .     1     .     .     .     .     .
#> YEHNGFPLKD     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> WAQFDVYNLS     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> EDHINCTQWP     .     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> WSMKVDYEQT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> GWTSKMRYPL     .     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> PMAYIWEKLC     .     .     .     .     .     .     1
#> HWAEYFNDVT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .

## Case 2: sp1 and sp11 match the same peptide (NKAVRTYHEQ)
psmdf2 <- rbind(psmdf,
                data.frame(spectrum = "sp11",
                           sequence = psmdf$sequence[1],
                           protein = psmdf$protein[1],
                           decoy = FALSE,
                           rank = 1,
                           score = 0.011))
#>    spectrum   sequence protein decoy rank  score
#> 1       sp1 NKAVRTYHEQ   ProtB FALSE    1 0.0820
#> 2       sp2 IYNHSQGFCA   ProtB FALSE    1 0.3100
#> 3       sp3 YHWRLPVSEF   ProtA FALSE    1 0.1330
#> 4       sp4 YEHNGFPLKD   ProtD FALSE    1 0.1740
#> 5       sp5 WAQFDVYNLS   ProtD FALSE    1 0.9440
#> 6       sp6 EDHINCTQWP   ProtG FALSE    1 0.0261
#> 7       sp7 WSMKVDYEQT   ProtF FALSE    1 0.3750
#> 8       sp8 GWTSKMRYPL   ProtE FALSE    1 0.7410
#> 9       sp9 PMAYIWEKLC   ProtC FALSE    1 0.2540
#> 10     sp10 HWAEYFNDVT   ProtF FALSE    1 0.0580
#> 11     sp11 NKAVRTYHEQ   ProtB FALSE    1 0.0110
psm2 <- PSM(psmdf2, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
            protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank")

## Now NKAVRTYHEQ/ProtB counts 2 PSMs
#> 10 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            ProtB ProtA ProtD ProtG ProtF ProtE ProtC
#> NKAVRTYHEQ     2     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> IYNHSQGFCA     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> YHWRLPVSEF     .     1     .     .     .     .     .
#> YEHNGFPLKD     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> WAQFDVYNLS     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> EDHINCTQWP     .     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> WSMKVDYEQT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> GWTSKMRYPL     .     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> PMAYIWEKLC     .     .     .     .     .     .     1
#> HWAEYFNDVT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .

## Force a binary matrix
makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm2, binary = TRUE)
#> 10 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            ProtB ProtA ProtD ProtG ProtF ProtE ProtC
#> NKAVRTYHEQ     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> IYNHSQGFCA     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> YHWRLPVSEF     .     1     .     .     .     .     .
#> YEHNGFPLKD     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> WAQFDVYNLS     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> EDHINCTQWP     .     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> WSMKVDYEQT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> GWTSKMRYPL     .     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> PMAYIWEKLC     .     .     .     .     .     .     1
#> HWAEYFNDVT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .

## --------------------------------
## Case 3: set the score PSM values
psmVariables(psm) ## no score defined
#>   spectrum    peptide    protein      decoy       rank      score        fdr 
#> "spectrum" "sequence"  "protein"    "decoy"     "rank"         NA         NA 
psm3 <- PSM(psm, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
            protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank",
            score = "score")
psmVariables(psm3) ## score defined
#>   spectrum    peptide    protein      decoy       rank      score        fdr 
#> "spectrum" "sequence"  "protein"    "decoy"     "rank"    "score"         NA 

## adjacency matrix with scores
#> 10 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            ProtB ProtA ProtD  ProtG ProtF ProtE ProtC
#> NKAVRTYHEQ 0.082 .     .     .      .     .     .    
#> IYNHSQGFCA 0.310 .     .     .      .     .     .    
#> YHWRLPVSEF .     0.133 .     .      .     .     .    
#> YEHNGFPLKD .     .     0.174 .      .     .     .    
#> WAQFDVYNLS .     .     0.944 .      .     .     .    
#> EDHINCTQWP .     .     .     0.0261 .     .     .    
#> WSMKVDYEQT .     .     .     .      0.375 .     .    
#> GWTSKMRYPL .     .     .     .      .     0.741 .    
#> PMAYIWEKLC .     .     .     .      .     .     0.254
#> HWAEYFNDVT .     .     .     .      0.058 .     .    

## Force a binary matrix
makeAdjacencyMatrix(psm3, binary = TRUE)
#> 10 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            ProtB ProtA ProtD ProtG ProtF ProtE ProtC
#> NKAVRTYHEQ     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> IYNHSQGFCA     1     .     .     .     .     .     .
#> YHWRLPVSEF     .     1     .     .     .     .     .
#> YEHNGFPLKD     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> WAQFDVYNLS     .     .     1     .     .     .     .
#> EDHINCTQWP     .     .     .     1     .     .     .
#> WSMKVDYEQT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .
#> GWTSKMRYPL     .     .     .     .     .     1     .
#> PMAYIWEKLC     .     .     .     .     .     .     1
#> HWAEYFNDVT     .     .     .     .     1     .     .

## ---------------------------------
## Case 4: scores with multiple PSMs

psm4 <- PSM(psm2, spectrum = "spectrum", peptide = "sequence",
            protein = "protein", decoy = "decoy", rank = "rank",
            score = "score")

## Now NKAVRTYHEQ/ProtB has a summed score of 0.093 computed as
## 0.082 (from sp1) + 0.011 (from sp11)
#> 10 x 7 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#>            ProtB ProtA ProtD  ProtG ProtF ProtE ProtC
#> NKAVRTYHEQ 0.093 .     .     .      .     .     .    
#> IYNHSQGFCA 0.310 .     .     .      .     .     .    
#> YHWRLPVSEF .     0.133 .     .      .     .     .    
#> YEHNGFPLKD .     .     0.174 .      .     .     .    
#> WAQFDVYNLS .     .     0.944 .      .     .     .    
#> EDHINCTQWP .     .     .     0.0261 .     .     .    
#> WSMKVDYEQT .     .     .     .      0.375 .     .    
#> GWTSKMRYPL .     .     .     .      .     0.741 .    
#> PMAYIWEKLC .     .     .     .      .     .     0.254
#> HWAEYFNDVT .     .     .     .      0.058 .     .