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QFeatures 1.17

QFeatures 1.17.5

  • Nothing yet.

QFeatures 1.17.4

  • Optimisation of aggregateFeatures in the case of multiple assays aggregation.

QFeatures 1.17.3

  • Fix bug in nNA() on empty assays (see #174).

QFeatures 1.17.2

QFeatures 1.17.1

  • Fix: solved readQFeatures() bug and adapted unit tests.
  • Docs: created new vignette about reading data with QFeatures

QFeatures 1.17.0

  • New Bioconductor 3.21 (devel) release

QFeatures 1.16

QFeatures 1.16.0

  • New Bioconductor 3.20 (stable) release

QFeatures 1.15

QFeatures 1.15.3

  • Fix typo in normalisation methods.

QFeatures 1.15.2

QFeatures 1.15.1

QFeatures 1.15.0

  • New Bioc devel

QFeatures 1.13

QFeatures 1.13.7

QFeatures 1.13.6

  • Migrate .splitS[C]E() unit test form scp to QFeatures.

QFeatures 1.13.5

  • Reuse readQFeatres() params in readQFeatureFromDIANN().

QFeatures 1.13.4

QFeatures 1.13.3

QFeatures 1.13.2

  • Move the filterFeatures generic method to ProtGenerics.

QFeatures 1.13.1

  • Fix typo in vigette.

QFeatures 1.11

QFeatures 1.11.2

  • Update message to fix test upon recent changes in MAE.

QFeatures 1.11.1

QFeatures 1.11.0

  • New Bioconductor 3.18 (stable) release

QFeatures 1.10

QFeatures 1.10.0

  • New Bioconductor 3.17 (stable) release

QFeatures 1.9

QFeatures 1.9.4

QFeatures 1.9.3

  • Minor rephrasing in vignette and README.

QFeatures 1.9.2

  • feat: filterFeatures() now allows to select assays to filter (i argument)
  • feat: aggregateFeatures() can now take multiple assays
  • feat: impute() can now take multiple assays
  • feat: processing functions (normalize, scaleTransform, logTransform, sweep) can now take multiple assays
  • refactor: avoid validObject() when possible
  • Use |> rather than %>%.

QFeatures 1.9.1

QFeatures 1.9.0

  • New Bioconductor 3.17 (devel) release

QFeatures 1.8

QFeatures 1.8.0

  • New Bioconductor 3.16 (stable) release

QFeatures 1.7

QFeatures 1.7.3

  • fix: fixed filterFeatures when selection contains environment variables

QFeatures 1.7.2

  • feat: added c methods to combine QFeatures objects.
  • feat: added nrows and ncols methods. Also added use.names argument (cf ?BiocGenerics::dims)
  • docs: improved docs for filterFeatures()
  • tests: improved unit tests for filterFeatures()
  • feat: added a keep argument in filterFeatures() to control whether to keep or remove features for assays that do not contain the filter variable. Also added message printing for a better overview of which variable were found.
  • fix: fixed addAssay() to solve issue #104.
  • refactor: refactored addAssay() and dramatically improved the usage of computational resources.
  • feat: colData is automatically transferred from the assay to the QFeatures object.
  • feat: implemented removeAssay() and replaceAssay(). Together with addAssay(), these functions are used to implement the replacement method [[<- required to solve issue #57.
  • Add CC-BY-SA license for vignettes.

QFeatures 1.7.1

  • refactor: imputation now adds a new assay instead of replacing values.

QFeatures 1.7.0

  • New Bioc devel version.

QFeatures 1.5

QFeatures 1.5.3

  • feat: aggregation by adjacency matrix
  • New adjacencyMatrix,SummarizedExperiment and adjacencyMatrix,QFeatures methods using ProtGenerics::adjacencyMatrix (available in version >= 1.27.1).

QFeatures 1.5.2

QFeatures 1.5.1

  • Document the use of peptide/protein adjacency matrices in aggregateFeatures() and new adjacencyMatrix() accessor.

QFeatures 1.5.0

  • New devel version (Bioc 3.15)

QFeatures 1.3

QFeatures 1.3.6

  • New feat3 example data to demonstrate and test more complex AssayLinks structure.
  • Improved the plot,QFeautres function to avoid cluttering of nodes.
  • Adapted the visualization vignette using feat3.

QFeatures 1.3.5

  • Add plot,QFeatures and visualisation vignette.

QFeatures 1.3.4

  • Fixed bug that produced invalid AssayLinks when using filterNA.

QFeatures 1.3.3

  • Improved validity checks on AssayLinks
  • Fixed the subsetting of AssayLinks to ensure consistent data

QFeatures 1.3.2

  • Add logo to package
  • Fix class coercion error (see #b9ce7f1e9)

QFeatures 1.3.1

  • Added rbindRowData: a function to select variables in the rowData and bind it in a single DataFrame
  • Added rowData<-: this new method replaces replaceRowDataCols to offer a more standardize functionality.
  • Added a new section in the QFeatures vignette to expand on how to manipulate the metadata within a QFeatures object

QFeatures 1.3.0

  • New devel version (Bioc 3.14)

QFeatures 1.2.0

QFeatures 1.2.0

  • New release version (Bioc 3.13)

QFeatures 1.1.0

QFeatures 1.1.4

  • Added replaceRowDataCols and removeRowDataCols, two functions to streamline manipulation of rowData within a QFeature object.

QFeatures 1.1.3

  • Added countUniqueFeatures, a function to count the number of unique features per sample.

QFeatures 1.1.2

QFeatures 1.1.1

  • Fix typo in vignette
  • Improve first paragraph in intro vignette.

QFeatures 1.1.0

  • New Bioconductor devel version

QFeatures 0.99

QFeatures 0.99.4

  • Fix: improved nNA with new implementation and additional unit tests <2020-10-23 Fri>

QFeatures 0.99.3

  • New feature: the longFormat function returns a long DataFrame with quantitative data along with metadata (see #116) <2020-10-8 Thu>
  • New feature: the rowData method returns a list containing the rowData for all assays (see #86) <2020-09-16 Wed>
  • Keep colnames when reading a single column assay (see #108) <2020-09-09 Wed>

QFeatures 0.99.2

  • Added infIsNA.
  • Add Christophe Vanderaa as an author.

QFeatures 0.99.1

QFeatures 0.99.0

  • Bioconductor submission