Merging, aggregating and splitting Spectra
, R/Spectra.R
Various functions are availabe to combine, aggregate or split data from one
of more Spectra
objects. These are:
: combines severalSpectra
objects into a single object. The resultingSpectra
contains all data from all individualSpectra
, i.e. the union of all their spectra variables. Concatenation will fail if the processing queue of any of theSpectra
objects is not empty or if different backends are used for theSpectra
objects. In such cases it is suggested to first change the backends of allSpectra
to the same type of backend (using thesetBackend()
function and to eventually (if needed) apply the processing queue using theapplyProcessing()
: Appends multiple spectra variables from adata.frame
to theSpectra
object at once. The order of the values (rows) iny
has to match the order of spectra inx
. The function does not allow to replace existing spectra variables.cbind2()
returns aSpectra
object with the appended spectra variables. For a more controlled way of adding spectra variables, see thejoinSpectraData()
: combines sets of spectra (defined with parameterf
) into a single spectrum per set aggregating their MS data (i.e. their peaks data matrices with the m/z and intensity values of their mass peaks). The spectra variable values of the first spectrum per set are reported for the combined spectrum. The peak matrices of the spectra per set are combined using the function specified with parameterFUN
which uses by default thecombinePeaksData()
function. See the documentation ofcombinePeaksData()
for details on the aggregation of the peak data and the package vignette for examples. The sets of spectra can be specified with parameterf
which is expected to be afactor
of length equal to the length of theSpectra
specifying to which set a spectrum belongs to. The function returns aSpectra
of length equal to the unique levels off
. The optional parameterp
allows to define how theSpectra
should be split for potential parallel processing. The default isp = x$dataStorage
and hence a per storage file parallel processing is applied forSpectra
with on disk data representations (such as theMsBackendMzR()
). This also prevents that spectra from different data files/samples are combined (eventually use e.g.p = x$dataOrigin
or any other spectra variables defining the originating samples for a spectrum). Before combining the peaks data, all eventual present processing steps are applied (by callingapplyProcessing()
on theSpectra
). This function will replace the original m/z and intensity values of aSpectra
hence it can not be called on aSpectra
with a read-only backend. In such cases, the backend should be changed to a writeable backend before using thesetBackend()
function (to e.g. aMsBackendMemory()
: Individual spectra variables can be directly added with the$<-
syntax. ThejoinSpectraData()
function allows to merge aDataFrame
to the existing spectra data of aSpectra
. This function diverges from themerge()
method in two main ways:The
column names must be of length 1.If variable names are shared in
, the spectra variables ofx
are not modified. It's only they
variables that are appended with the suffix defined insuffix.y
. This is to avoid modifying any core spectra variables that would lead to an invalid object.Duplicated Spectra keys (i.e.
) are not allowed. Duplicated keys in theDataFrame
) throw a warning and only the last occurrence is kept. These should be explored and ideally be removed using forQFeatures::reduceDataFrame()
or similar functions. For a more general function that allows to appenddata.frame
: splits theSpectra
object based on parameterf
into alist
concatenateSpectra(x, ...)
f = x$dataStorage,
p = x$dataStorage,
FUN = combinePeaksData,
BPPARAM = bpparam()
joinSpectraData(x, y, by.x = "spectrumId", by.y, suffix.y = ".y")
# S4 method for class 'Spectra'
c(x, ...)
# S4 method for class 'Spectra,dataframeOrDataFrameOrmatrix'
cbind2(x, y, ...)
# S4 method for class 'Spectra,ANY'
split(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...)
- x
object.- ...
Additional arguments.
- f
: factor defining how to splitx
. Seebase::split()
for details. ForcombineSpectra()
defining the grouping of the spectra that should be combined. Defaults tox$dataStorage
.- p
defining how to split the inputSpectra
for parallel processing. Defaults tox$dataStorage
, i.e., depending on the used backend, per-file parallel processing will be performed.- FUN
: function to combine the (peak matrices) of the spectra. Defaults tocombinePeaksData()
Parallel setup configuration. See
for more information. This is passed directly to thebackendInitialize()
method of the MsBackend.- y
with the spectra variables to join/add. Forcbind2()
: adata.frame
. The number of rows and their order has to match the number of spectra inx
, respectively their order.- by.x
specifying the spectra variable used for merging. Default is"spectrumId"
.- by.y
specifying the column used for merging. Set toby.x
if missing.- suffix.y
specifying the suffix to be used for making the names of columns in the merged spectra variables unique. This suffix will be used to amendnames(y)
, whilespectraVariables(x)
will remain unchanged.- drop
: not considered.
See also
for functions to aggregate mass peaks data.Spectra for a general description of the
## Create a Spectra providing a `DataFrame` containing a MS data.
spd <- DataFrame(msLevel = c(1L, 2L), rtime = c(1.1, 1.2))
spd$mz <- list(c(100, 103.2, 104.3, 106.5), c(45.6, 120.4, 190.2))
spd$intensity <- list(c(200, 400, 34.2, 17), c(12.3, 15.2, 6.8))
s <- Spectra(spd)
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 2 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 1.1 NA
#> 2 2 1.2 NA
#> ... 16 more variables/columns.
## Create a second Spectra from mzML files and use the `MsBackendMzR`
## on-disk backend.
sciex_file <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"),
full.names = TRUE)
sciex <- Spectra(sciex_file, backend = MsBackendMzR())
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 1862 spectra in a MsBackendMzR backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 0.280 1
#> 2 1 0.559 2
#> 3 1 0.838 3
#> 4 1 1.117 4
#> 5 1 1.396 5
#> ... ... ... ...
#> 1858 1 258.636 927
#> 1859 1 258.915 928
#> 1860 1 259.194 929
#> 1861 1 259.473 930
#> 1862 1 259.752 931
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> file(s):
#> 20171016_POOL_POS_1_105-134.mzML
#> 20171016_POOL_POS_3_105-134.mzML
## Subset to the first 100 spectra to reduce running time of the examples
sciex <- sciex[1:100]
## -------- COMBINE SPECTRA --------
## Combining the `Spectra` object `s` with the MS data from `sciex`.
## Calling directly `c(s, sciex)` would result in an error because
## both backends use a different backend. We thus have to first change
## the backends to the same backend. We change the backend of the `sciex`
## `Spectra` to a `MsBackendMemory`, the backend used by `s`.
sciex <- setBackend(sciex, MsBackendMemory())
## Combine the two `Spectra`
all <- c(s, sciex)
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 102 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 1.100 NA
#> 2 2 1.200 NA
#> 3 1 0.280 1
#> 4 1 0.559 2
#> 5 1 0.838 3
#> ... ... ... ...
#> 98 1 26.786 96
#> 99 1 27.065 97
#> 100 1 27.344 98
#> 101 1 27.623 99
#> 102 1 27.902 100
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
#> Merge 2 Spectra into one [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
## The new `Spectra` objects contains the union of spectra variables from
## both:
#> [1] "msLevel" "rtime"
#> [3] "acquisitionNum" "scanIndex"
#> [5] "dataStorage" "dataOrigin"
#> [7] "centroided" "smoothed"
#> [9] "polarity" "precScanNum"
#> [11] "precursorMz" "precursorIntensity"
#> [13] "precursorCharge" "collisionEnergy"
#> [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz" "isolationWindowTargetMz"
#> [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz" "peaksCount"
#> [19] "totIonCurrent" "basePeakMZ"
#> [21] "basePeakIntensity" "ionisationEnergy"
#> [23] "lowMZ" "highMZ"
#> [25] "mergedScan" "mergedResultScanNum"
#> [27] "mergedResultStartScanNum" "mergedResultEndScanNum"
#> [29] "injectionTime" "filterString"
#> [31] "spectrumId" "ionMobilityDriftTime"
#> [33] "scanWindowLowerLimit" "scanWindowUpperLimit"
#> [35] "electronBeamEnergy"
## The spectra variables that were not present in `s`:
setdiff(spectraVariables(all), spectraVariables(s))
#> [1] "peaksCount" "totIonCurrent"
#> [3] "basePeakMZ" "basePeakIntensity"
#> [5] "ionisationEnergy" "lowMZ"
#> [7] "highMZ" "mergedScan"
#> [9] "mergedResultScanNum" "mergedResultStartScanNum"
#> [11] "mergedResultEndScanNum" "injectionTime"
#> [13] "filterString" "spectrumId"
#> [15] "ionMobilityDriftTime" "scanWindowLowerLimit"
#> [17] "scanWindowUpperLimit" "electronBeamEnergy"
## The values for these were filled with missing values for spectra from
## `s`:
all$peaksCount |> head()
#> [1] NA NA 578 1529 1600 1664
## -------- AGGREGATE SPECTRA --------
## Sets of spectra can be combined into a single, representative spectrum
## per set using `combineSpectra()`. This aggregates the peaks data (i.e.
## the spectra's m/z and intensity values) while using the values for all
## spectra variables from the first spectrum per set. Below we define the
## sets as all spectra measured in the *same second*, i.e. rounding their
## retention time to the next closer integer value.
f <- round(rtime(sciex))
#> [1] 0 1 1 1 1 2
cmp <- combineSpectra(sciex, f = f)
## The length of `cmp` is now equal to the length of unique levels in `f`:
#> [1] 29
## The spectra variable value from the first spectrum per set is used in
## the representative/combined spectrum:
#> [1] 0.280 0.559 1.675 2.512 3.628 4.744 5.581 6.697 7.534 8.650
#> [11] 9.766 10.603 11.719 12.556 13.672 14.509 15.625 16.741 17.578 18.694
#> [21] 19.531 20.647 21.763 22.601 23.717 24.554 25.670 26.507 27.623
## The peaks data was aggregated: the number of mass peaks of the first six
## spectra from the original `Spectra`:
lengths(sciex) |> head()
#> [1] 578 1529 1600 1664 1417 1602
## and for the first aggreagated spectra:
lengths(cmp) |> head()
#> [1] 578 3928 3177 3597 3928 3190
## The default peaks data aggregation method joins all mass peaks. See
## documentation of the `combinePeaksData()` function for more options.
## -------- SPLITTING DATA --------
## A `Spectra` can be split into a `list` of `Spectra` objects using the
## `split()` function defining the sets into which the `Spectra` should
## be splitted into with parameter `f`.
sciex_split <- split(sciex, f)
#> [1] 29
sciex_split |> head()
#> $`0`
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 1 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 0.28 1
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
#> $`1`
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 4 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 0.559 2
#> 2 1 0.838 3
#> 3 1 1.117 4
#> 4 1 1.396 5
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
#> $`2`
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 3 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 1.675 6
#> 2 1 1.954 7
#> 3 1 2.233 8
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
#> $`3`
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 4 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 2.512 9
#> 2 1 2.791 10
#> 3 1 3.070 11
#> 4 1 3.349 12
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
#> $`4`
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 4 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 3.628 13
#> 2 1 3.907 14
#> 3 1 4.186 15
#> 4 1 4.465 16
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
#> $`5`
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 3 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#> msLevel rtime scanIndex
#> <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1 1 4.744 17
#> 2 1 5.023 18
#> 3 1 5.302 19
#> ... 34 more variables/columns.
#> Processing:
#> Switch backend from MsBackendMzR to MsBackendMemory [Fri Mar 7 12:25:26 2025]
## -------- ADDING SPECTRA DATA --------
## Adding new spectra variables
sciex1 <- filterDataOrigin(sciex, dataOrigin(sciex)[1])
spv <- DataFrame(spectrumId = sciex1$spectrumId[3:12], ## used for merging
var1 = rnorm(10),
var2 = sample(letters, 10))
#> DataFrame with 10 rows and 3 columns
#> spectrumId var1 var2
#> <character> <numeric> <character>
#> 1 sample=1 period=1 cy.. -0.8468964 p
#> 2 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 1.1970777 o
#> 3 sample=1 period=1 cy.. -0.5486274 r
#> 4 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.3030457 q
#> 5 sample=1 period=1 cy.. -0.0569705 z
#> 6 sample=1 period=1 cy.. -0.9578494 e
#> 7 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.5910619 c
#> 8 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.1731049 f
#> 9 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 1.3997834 k
#> 10 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.1174596 x
sciex2 <- joinSpectraData(sciex1, spv, by.y = "spectrumId")
#> [1] "msLevel" "rtime"
#> [3] "acquisitionNum" "scanIndex"
#> [5] "dataStorage" "dataOrigin"
#> [7] "centroided" "smoothed"
#> [9] "polarity" "precScanNum"
#> [11] "precursorMz" "precursorIntensity"
#> [13] "precursorCharge" "collisionEnergy"
#> [15] "isolationWindowLowerMz" "isolationWindowTargetMz"
#> [17] "isolationWindowUpperMz" "peaksCount"
#> [19] "totIonCurrent" "basePeakMZ"
#> [21] "basePeakIntensity" "ionisationEnergy"
#> [23] "lowMZ" "highMZ"
#> [25] "mergedScan" "mergedResultScanNum"
#> [27] "mergedResultStartScanNum" "mergedResultEndScanNum"
#> [29] "injectionTime" "filterString"
#> [31] "spectrumId" "ionMobilityDriftTime"
#> [33] "scanWindowLowerLimit" "scanWindowUpperLimit"
#> [35] "electronBeamEnergy" "var1"
#> [37] "var2"
spectraData(sciex2)[1:13, c("spectrumId", "var1", "var2")]
#> DataFrame with 13 rows and 3 columns
#> spectrumId var1 var2
#> <character> <numeric> <character>
#> 1 sample=1 period=1 cy.. NA NA
#> 2 sample=1 period=1 cy.. NA NA
#> 3 sample=1 period=1 cy.. -0.846896 p
#> 4 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 1.197078 o
#> 5 sample=1 period=1 cy.. -0.548627 r
#> ... ... ... ...
#> 9 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.591062 c
#> 10 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.173105 f
#> 11 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 1.399783 k
#> 12 sample=1 period=1 cy.. 0.117460 x
#> 13 sample=1 period=1 cy.. NA NA
## Append new spectra variables with cbind2()
df <- data.frame(cola = seq_len(length(sciex1)), colb = "b")
data_append <- cbind2(sciex1, df)