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The filterPeaksRanges() function allows to filter the peaks matrices of a Spectra object using any set of range-based filters on numeric spectra variables or peaks variables. These ranges can be passed to the function using the ... as <variable name> = <range> pairs. <variable name> has to be an available spectra or peaks variable. <range> can be a numeric of length 2 defining the lower and upper boundary, or a numeric two-column matrix (multi-row matrices are also supported, see further below). filterPeaksRanges(s, mz = c(200, 300)) would for example reduce the peaks matrices of the Spectra object s to mass peaks with an m/z value between 200 and 300. filterPeaksRanges() returns the original Spectra object with the filter operation added to the processing queue. Thus, the filter gets only applied when the peaks data gets extracted with mz(), intensity() or peaksData(). If ranges for both spectra and peaks variables are defined, the function evaluates first whether the spectra variable value for a spectrum is within the provided range and, if so, applies also the peaks variable-based filter (otherwise an empty peaks matrix is returned).

If more than one spectra variable and/or peaks variable are defined, their filter results are combined with a logical AND: a peak matrix is only returned for a spectrum if all values of spectra variables are within the provided (respective) ranges for spectra variables, and this matrix is further filtered to contain only those peaks which values are within the provided peaks variable ranges.

Filtering with multiple ranges per spectra and peaks variables is also supported: ranges can also be provided as multi-row numeric (two-column) matrices. In this case, the above described procedure is applied for each row separately and their results are combined with a logical OR, i.e. peaks matrices are returned that match any of the conditions/filters of a row. The number of rows of the provided ranges (being it for spectra or peaks variables) have to match.

Missing value handling: any comparison which involves a missing value (being it a spectra variable value, a peaks variable value or a value in one of the provided ranges) is treated as a logical FALSE. For example, if the retention time of a spectrum is NA and the data is filtered using a retention time range, an empty peaks matrix is returned (for keep = TRUE, for keep = FALSE the full peaks matrix is returned).


filterPeaksRanges(object, ..., keep = TRUE)



A Spectra object.


the ranges for the spectra and/or peaks variables. Has to be provided as <name> = <range> pairs with <name> being the name of a spectra or peaks variable (of numeric data type) and <range> being either a numeric of length 2 or a numeric two column matrix (see function desription above for details),


logical(1) whether to keep (default) or remove peaks that match the provided range(s).


In contrast to some other filter functions, this function does not provide a msLevel parameter that allows to define the MS level of spectra on which the filter should be applied. The filter(s) will always be applied to all spectra (irrespectively of their MS level). Through combination of multiple filter ranges it is however possible to apply MS level-dependent filters (see examples below for details).

The filter will not be applied immediately to the data but only executed when the mass peak data is accessed (through peaksData(), mz() or intensity()) or by calling applyProcessing().


Johannes Rainer


## Define a test Spectra
d <- data.frame(rtime = c(123.2, 134.2), msLevel = c(1L, 2L))
d$mz <- list(c(100.1, 100.2, 100.3, 200.1, 200.2, 300.3),
    c(100.3, 100.4, 200.2, 400.3, 400.4))
## Use the index of the mass peak within the spectrum as index for
## better illustration of filtering results
d$intensity <- list(c(1:6), 1:5)
s <- Spectra(d)
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 2 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#>     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1         1     123.2        NA
#> 2         2     134.2        NA
#>  ... 16 more variables/columns.

## Filter peaks removing all mass peaks with an m/z between 200 and 300
res <- filterPeaksRanges(s, mz = c(200, 300), keep = FALSE)
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 2 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#>     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1         1     123.2        NA
#> 2         2     134.2        NA
#>  ... 16 more variables/columns.
#> Lazy evaluation queue: 1 processing step(s)
#> Processing:
#>  Filter: remove peaks based on user-provided ranges for 1 variables [Fri Mar  7 12:26:25 2025] 

## The Spectra object has still the same length and spectra variables
#> [1] 2
#> [1] 123.2 134.2

## The filter gets applied when mass peak data gets extracted, using either
## `mz()`, `intensity()` or `peaksData()`. The filtered peaks data does
## not contain any mass peaks with m/z values between 200 and 300:
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.1         1
#> [2,] 100.2         2
#> [3,] 100.3         3
#> [4,] 300.3         6
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.3         1
#> [2,] 100.4         2
#> [3,] 400.3         4
#> [4,] 400.4         5

## We next combine spectra and filter variables. We want to keep only mass
## peaks of MS2 spectra that have an m/z between 100 and 110.
res <- filterPeaksRanges(s, mz = c(100, 110), msLevel = c(2, 2))
#> MSn data (Spectra) with 2 spectra in a MsBackendMemory backend:
#>     msLevel     rtime scanIndex
#>   <integer> <numeric> <integer>
#> 1         1     123.2        NA
#> 2         2     134.2        NA
#>  ... 16 more variables/columns.
#> Lazy evaluation queue: 1 processing step(s)
#> Processing:
#>  Filter: select peaks based on user-provided ranges for 2 variables [Fri Mar  7 12:26:25 2025] 
#> [1] 2

## Only data for peaks are returned for which the spectra's MS level is
## between 2 and 2 and with an m/z between 100 and 110. The peaks data for
## the first spectrum, that has MS level 1, is thus empty:
#>      mz intensity

## While the peaks matrix for the second spectrum (with MS level 2) contains
## the mass peaks with m/z between 100 and 110.
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.3         1
#> [2,] 100.4         2

## To keep also the peaks data for the first spectrum, we need to define
## an additional set of ranges, which we define using a second row in each
## ranges matrix. We use the same filter as above, i.e. keeping only mass
## peaks with an m/z between 100 and 110 for spectra with MS level 2, but
## add an additional row for MS level 1 spectra keeping mass peaks with an
## m/z between 0 and 2000. Filter results of different rows are combined
## using a logical OR, i.e. peaks matrices with mass peaks are returned
## matching either the first, or the second row.
res <- filterPeaksRanges(s, mz = rbind(c(100, 110), c(0, 1000)),
    msLevel = rbind(c(2, 2), c(1, 1)))

## The results for the MS level 2 spectrum are the same as before, but with
## the additional row we keep the full peaks matrix of the MS1 spectrum:
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.1         1
#> [2,] 100.2         2
#> [3,] 100.3         3
#> [4,] 200.1         4
#> [5,] 200.2         5
#> [6,] 300.3         6
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.3         1
#> [2,] 100.4         2

## As a last example we define a filter that keeps all mass peaks with an
## m/z either between 100 and 200, or between 300 and 400.
res <- filterPeaksRanges(s, mz = rbind(c(100, 200), c(300, 400)))
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.1         1
#> [2,] 100.2         2
#> [3,] 100.3         3
#> [4,] 300.3         6
#>         mz intensity
#> [1,] 100.3         1
#> [2,] 100.4         2

## Such filters could thus be defined to restrict/filter the MS data to
## specific e.g. retention time and m/z ranges.